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Nilson Mossos V.

PhD. student at Universidad del Valle, Cali-Colombia
Member of Bioinformatics and BioCompution Research Group
nilson-mossos.jpgBioinformatics and Biocomputation Research Group
Escuela de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación
Universidad del Valle, Cali-Colombia

nilson.mossos [at] correounivalle [dot] edu [dot] co

Research Interests

*Computational biology; *Protein structure; *Machine learning; *Data mining; *Structural alphabet

I am interested in the problem of predicting the tertiary structure of protein from its amino acid sequence. In order to achieve that I have used structural alphabet obtained from structural elements and physicochemical properties. In these fields I am working mostly with data mining (such as feature selection, clustering and Association Rule Mining) and probabilistic techniques (such as HMM).
