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Publications 2011


Moreno PA, Vélez PE, Martínez E, Garreta LE, Díaz N, Amador S, Tischer I, Gutiérrez JM, Naik AK, Tobar F, García F. (2011). The human genome: a multifractal analysis. BMC Genomics 2011, 12:506. URL:

OSCAR FERNANDO BEDOYA LEIVA (2011) Construyendo modelos de exones basados en árboles de decisión paralelos a los ejes Colombia, Avances En Sistemas E Informática ISSN: 1657-7663, vol:8 fasc: 3 págs: 173 - 182


Jorge Duarte, Pedro Moreno, and Jaime Velasco (2011), Hardware Simulation of Yeast Glycolytic Oscillations. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops. November 12-November 15. URL:

Luis Garreta, Irene Tischer (2011). Evaluation of structural and energetic protein properties on the villin folding simulation. 6th Colombian Computing Congress (6CCC). May 2011. URL:

Nestor Díaz, Irene Tischer (2011). Mining cellular automata models on protein folding trajectories. 6th Colombian Computing Congress (6CCC). May 2011. URL:

publications/publi_2011.1609729083.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/03 21:58 by pmoreno